Corporate and quality policy

Quality is the basis for the sustainable success of GfBU-Consult. It is constantly working to improve service quality to meet the needs of customers and stakeholders. We always strive for optimal advice with subsequent error-free order processing with the highest possible service quality. The quality of our services is determined by the careful and thorough processing of inquiries / offers / orders, whereby a constant fact-based review of the work processes and processes takes place.

In terms of relationship management, it is very important to us to satisfy our customers in the long term. We achieve this through constant customer contact, as it gives us immediate feedback on the quality of work. The resulting improvement potential is discussed and will be implemented in future projects. Furthermore, we guarantee customer satisfaction through error-free services, timely processing and competent and friendly cooperation of our employees with customers.

In the interplay of continuity and dynamics, we lead a sustainable corporate development. Stable business operations, the moderate increase in the workforce and the broad orientation of our fields of activity make this possible. In order to open up further consulting fields as a "full-service provider" and to expand our range of services, it is very important to us to guarantee a high level of flexibility in order to cope with changing market conditions or customer requirements at short notice.

Promoting the entrepreneurial spirit in terms of high standards of our employees' own achievements is one of our most important tasks.

Our success is determined by the knowledge and experience of all employees. That is why we are working on the further development of our know-how and continuous training.

We value the optimal utilization of our employees, which we always strive to ensure through a balance between employees and freelancers. Fixed employees ensure continuity and accessibility, whereas freelancers allow flexibility in project execution and cushion short-term performance peaks. This enables us to guarantee a timely order processing for our customers, even in busy times.

It is a fundamental concern for us to assume social responsibility towards our employees. So there is the possibility of part-time work and the flexible working time regulation and the home office, in order to reconcile family and work.

We encourage friendly cooperation among employees to create a pleasant working atmosphere and thus the conditions for effective cooperation.
Performance-related remuneration, additional bonuses, the opportunity to participate in the company pension scheme, staff trips and other events strengthen employees' identification with the company's goals and performance standards.

In order to achieve a secure business result through enhanced service quality, we also encourage our employees to participate actively in quality improvement, so that their suggestions can be observed and, following collective discussion, may be implemented.