Development planning

  • Is your community required to create urban land-use plans (land use plans or development plans)?

  • Are you an investor and in need of a project-oriented development plan?

Development planning

The land use plan as a preliminary development plan is the instrument of your community to ensure a climate-friendly, structured urban development in your municipality. The local development plan must meet the requirements of the regional planning specifications.

We advise and assist you in exercising your municipal planning tasks during preliminary development planning:

  • Creating and updating land use plans - FNP:
    We gather information and data on a specified planning area with regard to its current and proposed use, issues of infrastructure and restrictions on use. In doing so, we can provide a well-founded expert's opinion for drafting development plans. Land use plans are valid for a maximum period of 10 - 15 years.
  • Creating and updating landscape plans - LP:
    Additionally to the land use plan (FNP), a landscape plan (LP) has to be developed. The landscape plan describes objectives, requirements and measures of nature and landscape conservation. It forms the ecological basis for the development plan. Section 11 Par. 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatschG) obligates municipalities to create landscape plans in case of changed use.
  • Based on the preliminary development plan the so-called finalised development plan and the green structures plan are created. Here the specific land use broken down to the individual parcels according to Land Use Ordinance (BauNVO) together with corresponding building requirements according to Section 9 Building Code (BauGB) are determined and defined as statutory. This can be done as part of municipal tenders, or for a specific building project, the so-called project-specific development plan. Think twice and consider the stipulations to be included to save trouble with the neighbourhood. We would be happy to provide further assistance.
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