Explosion Protection Document

  • Does your enterprise handle flammable liquids, explosive gas-air mixtures or combustible dusts?
Explosion Protection Document

Operators of installations in which an explosive atmosphere may occur are required to determine and assess resulting risks and to take appropriate measures to maintain the protection of safety and health of the workers or others; in particular these measures comprise

  • the avoidance of explosive atmospheres
  • the avoidance of effective ignition sources and
  • the prevention of explosions.

Since the new Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) was put into force on 1 June 2015, the prerequisites for drawing up the Explosion Protection Document have changed with regard to the fact that potentially explosive atmospheres are now to be determined and documented according to the amended Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV). According to Section 6 Part 9 of the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, and in accordance to

  • TRGS 720 Hazardous explosive atmosphere - General - (equates to TRBS 2152)
  • TRGS 721 Hazardous explosive atmosphere - Assessment of the risk of explosion (equates to TRBS 2152 part  1) and
  • TRGS 722 Avoidance or restriction of hazardous explosive atmosphere (equates to TRBS 2152 part 2)

operators shall assess and document the likelihood whether hazardous explosive atmospheres will occur in an Explosion Protection Document, which is to comprise in particular:

  1. Identification and assessment of explosion hazards,
  2. classification of places where explosive atmospheres may occur into zones including the precautions taken,
  3. organizational measures, such as training and instruction of employees,
  4. contractor management including contractors' coordinator,
  5. tests for explosion protection according to German Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV) and German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV).

In carrying out these obligations, the employer shall ensure that an Explosion Protection Document is drawn up and kept up to date.

If you are required to provide or update said Explosion Protection Document, please feel free to contact us.

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