Baseline State Report on Soil and Groundwater

According to Section 16 BImSchG (Federal Immission Control Act) any alteration to the location, nature or operation of an installation subject to licensing must be notified to the competent authority in writing and shall be accompanied by a Baseline State Report (AZB) on Soil and Groundwater provided that relevant hazardous substances are used, produced or released. A renewed license shall also be required for the entire installation in case of its modification or extension.
We have long years' experience in drawing up baseline state reports and survey concepts for baseline state reports which meet the requirements of above said provisions and guidelines.
Based on the current LABO/LAWA guidelines, approved for publication by order of the Conference of Environment Ministers on 1 October 2013, we offer the following services:
- Based on documentation provided by the client (material lists, material safety data sheets, consumption data, inventory data), we conduct compliance tests of the materials the installation uses, produces or releases;
- we determine the local scope of the survey and define the installation to be surveyed;
- using the documents provided by the client, we collect and evaluate current and past usage data with regard to the information required for the Baseline State Report;
- we carry out surveys of the geological and hydrogeological conditions at the site of the installation;
- we evaluate existing soil and groundwater surveys and determine whether new surveys are required;
- we liaise with the competent authority to develop a survey concept before creating the Baseline State Report
- if need be we adjust the created concept and advise our clients on further surveys possibly required;
- we describe the findings and incorporate them into the report and determine and evaluate the baseline state as part of our comprehensive service.
Please contact:
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Zülicke
+49 30 99 28 82 14