Sustainability - Life cycle assessments

  • You need a life cycle assessment?
  • Do you want to know which of your company's products have an impact on the environment and how big it is?
Sustainability - Life cycle assessment

We provide you with an overview. You can only communicate to customers and stakeholders as well as manage internally what you can measure. This gives you a valid basis for setting targets to reduce this environmental impact.

We distinguish between product declarations and life cycle assessment / CO2 balance sheets.

1. Product declarations

Product declarations contain very detailed information on the sustainability of the product and the upstream production process. They are usually the basis for obtaining often industry-specific certificates, labels or seals, which are increasingly demanded by retailers or customers.

2. Life cycle assessment / CO2 balance sheets

The starting point for achieving sustainability goals is to determine the status quo of individual environmental performance. As a rule, therefore, the first step in dealing with more sustainable corporate management is the calculation of an environmental balance sheet for a product (or the company), the so-called life cycle assessment - or in times of climate targets - a CO2 balance sheet or a corporate carbon footprint. Here, the decarbonisation index (DKI index) is often used for comparability.

Let us advise you.


Please calculate 3 plus 7.

Please contact:

Dr. rer. nat. Claudia Kölsche
+49 2241 1487570