Sustainability reports

  • Are you obliged to report in accordance with the CSR Directive Implementation Act, from the 2023 reporting year?
Sustainability reports

Our team of specialists in the field of sustainability helps you to penetrate the complex field of CSR reporting and to identify your concrete obligations and necessary to-dos. In doing so, you will benefit in particular from our expert knowledge in the often very technical and/or scientific sub-theme complex of "environment/ecology".

We are guided by two recognised standards:

1. The DNK standard with a national focus

Corporate sustainability reports should be transparent and comparable. For this purpose, the German Sustainability Council ("Rat für nachhaltige Entwicklung") has developed the "German Sustainability Code - Benchmark for Sustainable Business" with about 20 defined criteria. It represents a cross-sector standard that can be used by companies and organisations of all sizes and legal forms.

With the criteria of the DNK, the goals, measures and key figures of your sustainable corporate management as well as the process control and responsibility can be presented in an easily manageable way.

2. The GRI standards with an international focus

The Global Reporting Initiative has developed global standards for sustainability reporting. Their aim is also to create transparency about the CSR activities of a globally active company through standardisation and comparability.

With the "comply-or-explain" approach, we support honest and transparent reporting that equally highlights strengths and discloses weaknesses or inapplicable aspects.

Please calculate 4 plus 3.

Please contact:

Dr. rer. nat. Claudia Kölsche
+49 2241 1487570