Safety report according Seveso Directive

  • Large quantities of hazardous substances are present in your plant?
  • Your current safety report or your concept for the prevention of accidents must be adapted to new requirements?
  • Do you need a calculation of the appropriate safety distance?
  • Are you unsure how your hazardous waste should be assessed in terms of its relevance to hazardous incidents?
Safety report according Seveso Directive

We assess to what extent you are subject to the Major Accidents Ordinance (german implementation of the Seveso Directive)

  • without obligations,
  • basic obligations (classification in the lower class),
  • extended obligations (classification in the upper class)

and prepare disclosure documents concerning the plant/incident facility for the authorities.

For or together with you, we analyse your risks using standardized procedures (PAAG or HAZOP procedure, failure effect analysis, fault tree analysis, risk method) and prepare the results according to the requirements of the Major Accidents Ordinance and the recommendations of the Commission for Plant Safety (formerly Incident Commission and Technical Committee for Plant Safety).

We calculate the spread of accidental releases of substances (disaster propagation calculation with program ProNuSs, DISMA or Stoer) or the appropriate safety distance in accordance with §3 para 5c BImSchG on the basis of incident specific factors.

If you are subject to the basic obligations, we will create a concept for the prevention of major accidents including the safety management system in close co-operation with you.

If you are subject to the extended obligations (classification in the upper class), we will create your safety report, including the security management system as well as the internal alarm and emergency plan (BAGAP) and draw up a paper to inform the public about your security measures (flyer, brochure, advertisement, etc.). We check whether modifications to establishments according to  Section 3 (5) (b) BImSchG (German Federal Immission Control Act) have been made and create accident reports and undertake approval procedures pursuant to Section 23a and 23b BImSchG.

What is the sum of 1 and 3?

Please contact:

Dipl.-Chem. Dr. Steffen Wehrens
+49 30 99 28 82 16